Brent School Old Boys Social Club
The distance to the club/pub takes 5 minutes via a car or over 20 minutes via foot.
I have gained permission from the owner to use the location and we are currently working on a time when the area will be available that suits us all.
The location is easily accessible as it is located on London Road. There are a main set of doors to the building and side doors for the area I am using.
As there will be general people in the room adjacent to the room we will be using people will need to take care when entering and leaving the building. The room next door has a bar so the noise levels will need to be kept down.
There are steps leading into the building so take care when entering and leaving, watch your step.
Be aware of any glasses of drinks that people may be using as props, clean up any spillages a.s.a.p.
Be aware of any wires on or around the stage for the speakers and instruments watch your step.
This is the location that I am using for my disruption scene. I feel that this location works well as this is going to be a uni bar and therefor would not be high quality. I feel that this location suits the look I was going for. I will dress my location with posters advertising the band and some posters advertising drink deals for uni students.
There will be some noise from the crowd and from the band when they play a song which we are currently deciding on as we hope that the band will be able to play the song themselves. Most of the sound will come mainly from the dialogue.
I decided that a suitable location on to use for the dorm setting would be a room within in the Travel Lodge that I could dress up to suit my scene.
Charles Street
Off Crossways Boulevard
I decided to plan the route from the other location in case we are able to shoot in 1 day. If this is not the case on the day there are some other clear places near to the hotel to go to and find your way such as dartford station. The nearest known location to the hotel is bluewater which is 5 minutes away or a short walk away.
I have gained permission to use this location by staff as long as the room is left as we found it and we cause no permanent damage. The hotel is easily accessible off a duel carriageway.
As this is a hotel and there were will staff and guests around we must take care when entering and leaving the room/building.
As the room is quite compact and there will be a few people in the room everyone must ensure that they pick up all belongings and put them somewhere safely and out of shot as so no one falls over them.
Across from the hotel there is a fast food restaurant so when leaving the hotel or entering people must be aware of cars entering to go into the restaurant, as the hotel and the restaurant share an entrance.
The location I have decided to use for my dorm room I feel is suitable as dorm rooms tend to be quite small, compact bland rooms. By using a room like this I can dress up the room with posters and clothes, books etc to make it look like a typical teenage girls dorm room.
One problem with this location is because the room will be small we will have to be careful with where people stand as we don't want them in shot or blocking any light, this will need to be arranged before each shot.
Most of the noise within the shot will come from the characters speech although we may play a cd in the background as this is typical teenage behaviour.